
Brian R. Baer

Diogenes, you're a patient man,
You've roamed the streets,
You've crossed the land.
Seeking out an honest man, if one can be found.
But honor's gone, and with it, pride,
And beauty cannot long survive,
I tell you true, I'm by your side,
But I can't stay for long.

Diogenes, you're a foolish man,
You speak of things I don't understand;
A coin is worth a piece of land,
What can you say of truth?
That when it's said, it needs no lies?
To cover up or to disguise,
The meanings said, the words denied,
By implicated roots.

His light has died, he's left his staff,
And though his time has long since passed;
I hope we haven't seen the last of
Men who hope in dreams.
For honor may, again, arise,
And take this world by surprise;
And, then, we'll walk on by your side,
Diogenes, Diogenes, Diogenes...

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Copyright 2013 by Brian R. Baer