Phase 2, Video Page 6:

"The Legend of Count Sockula, Vampire Sock!"
June 16, 2014

I created this show at a local public access station for a Halloween.
I think that it ranks up there with the efforts of Ed Wood-- but who can say?
 It first ran on United Cable on October 31st, 1986 and annually, thereafter, for the next decade.
Like Count Sockula, it had a life of its own.

The Count Sockula character soon became host of a children's show entitled
The Count's Castle Club.
It ran on public access for twice a week for over a year.

This video was shot on a combination of BETA and VHS equipment. It was then edited on a BETA system
before being transferred to 3/4" and then to VHS. Obviously, it is many generations down, but I've tried
to enhance it a bit with IMovie '09's video tools and some non-buzzing titles.
It may have been a lost cause, but it was just too hokey to let it die.

In the tradition of "B-Movies", I present the original "Sockula."

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Copyright 2014 by Brian R. Baer